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December 19, 2021
Equip School of Discipleship
Core #1: Session 4
Core #1: Session 4
Sam McVay Jr.
Sam teaches session 4 of Core #1 The Disciples Heritage equipping series. The Word Become Flesh: The God/Man Messiah's birth and manifestation. Intro to a robust Christology.
December 12, 2021
Equip School of Discipleship
EQUIP School of Discipleship - Thoughts & Upcoming Schedule
EQUIP School of Discipleship - Thoughts & Upcoming Schedule
Sam McVay Jr.
Sam shares a few thoughts about the current state of the church and the upcoming schedule for the EQUIP School of Discipleship.
October 17, 2021
Moving from Intellect to Intimacy with the Word of God
Moving from Intellect to Intimacy with the Word of God
Sam McVay Jr.
Sam discusses developing an intimate relationship with the Lord as metaphorically portrayed in Song of Songs.
October 3, 2021
Rooted and Built Up in Him
Rooted and Built Up in Him
Sam McVay Jr.
The devil lies about many things through many strategies, but the primary target of all his deception is the accurate head and heart revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sam discusses how vital it is that disciples in this present day are deeply rooted in Christ, built up high in Christ, and strengthened in the faith.
September 19, 2021
Overcoming the Crises of Shame and Strength in Our Kingdom Assignment
Overcoming the Crises of Shame and Strength in Our Kingdom Assignment
Sam McVay Jr.
Sam discusses issues surrounding the building of the house of prayer in Zechariah chapters 3 & 4.
September 12, 2021
The Practicality of the Supremacy of Christ in All Things
The Practicality of the Supremacy of Christ in All Things
Sam McVay Jr.
All of hell is raging against the ultimate issue of the supremacy of Christ on earth and in our individual lives. Sam discusses Colossians 1:15-18 and the point "... so that in everything he (Christ) might have the supremacy."
August 29, 2021
The Theology of the Secret Place of Prayer
The Theology of the Secret Place of Prayer
Sam McVay Jr.
The Secret Place should be the predominant place in the prayer lives of the disciples. Tonight, Sam points out Jesus' teachings regarding prayer and how they focus on prayer being a "heart" matter, not a "procedure". Kenny follows up with a personal testimony regarding his own journey.
August 22, 2021
School of the Spirit #3: What Did Jesus Say about the Holy Spirit
School of the Spirit #3: What Did Jesus Say about the Holy Spirit
Sam McVay Jr.
Sam does a deep dive into John 14:26, where Jesus reveals that the Father is sending a Helper, the Holy Spirit, and his purpose in the life of the believer.
August 8, 2021
Word in Season
Word in Season
Jonathan Brickley
Jonathan discusses the believer's identity in Sonship via the Holy Spirit. Jesus went away that we might receive the Holy Spirit and through him, Jesus lives within us and enables us to approach the Lord as precious sons and daughters.
August 1, 2021
School of the Spirit #2: What Did Jesus Say about the Holy Spirit
School of the Spirit #2: What Did Jesus Say about the Holy Spirit
Sam McVay Jr.
Sam finishes up last week's lesson on the School of the Spirit by sharing five declarations Jesus made about the Holy Spirit.
July 26, 2021
Ezra 1: Prophetic Dynamics in the Building of the House of Prayer
Ezra 1: Prophetic Dynamics in the Building of the House of Prayer
Sam McVay Jr.
Sam speaks about the lessons in Ezra & Nehemiah, where the foundations are laid for Yahweh's house of prayer.
July 26, 2021
School of the Spirit #1: What Did Jesus Say about the Holy Spirit
School of the Spirit #1: What Did Jesus Say about the Holy Spirit
Sam McVay Jr.
As humans, we need saved because we don't have the Holy Spirit. Sam discusses five declarations about the Spirit from Jesus.
July 11, 2021
Deep Dive into Ephesians: #1
Deep Dive into Ephesians: #1
Sam McVay Jr.
Sam teaches on how the first two verses in Paul's letter to the Ephesians reveal 1) the identiy of the author, 2) the identity of the recipient, and 3) the root and fruit of these identities.