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April 4, 2020


A Testing Season of Spying Out An Occupied Inheritance (Num. 13 & 14)

Sam McVay Jr.

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Words in Season During Covid-19 Crisis


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1. The Lord inspired Moses to send in reps for an early view of the inheritance -fully knowing the result      

2. Moses chose the chiefs or leader of the tribes who represented what was in the tribe itself      

3. They are told to make a full tour of the inheritance and to bring back proof of the large inheritance      

4. They see strong and giant enemies in the inheritance      

5. They are there for 40 days  “At the end of forty days they returned from spying out the land.” ‭‭Numbers‬ ‭13:25‬ ‭ESV‬‬   The Origin of 'Quarantine' Initially, the French word quarantine (“about forty”) was borrowed in the late 1400's with the meaning “a period of forty days,” yet another biblical reference, originally referring to the period of time Jesus spent fasting in the desert.  

6. the 40 days secret and silent view Revealed the 10 of fear and 2 of faith   

7. the faith 2 did not deny the reality of the challenge they just saw by faith that their God was making a victorious way IN the challenge   Is it possible that this quarantine is a 40 day spying out of - “our inheritance filled with challenges” . And that the Lord is inviting us into the faith of the minority 2 and not the fear of the majority 10?  What’s our inheritance? It is the the King and His Kingdom in fullness.   And there are giant enemies against this King and Kingdom.   This “40 day” silent spy view of the King and His Kingdom


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April 2020, 2020, Sermon, Sam McVay, Testing, Waiting, Covid-19, Zoom

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